Thursday Nov 19, 2020

Achieving a highly reliable organization — Part 1

Over twenty years ago, the landmark report To Err is Human shook all of health care with its focus on medical errors causing patient deaths. It cast a light on the systems that failed to ensure high-quality, safe clinical care. Yet, today, errors continue, and on this episode of Modern Practice, two leading experts discuss the principles of high reliability that address system failures and the errors they cause.


Guest speakers:

David Munch, MD

Senior Principal



Bradley Schultz, MBA





Tomas Villanueva, DO, MBA, FACPE, SFHM

Associate Vice President

Clinical Resources



Show Notes

[01:26] Costs of medical errors – to hospitals, patients and caregivers

[02:47] Overall costs to the health system

[03:52] Need to sustain efforts

[05:10] Applying high reliability to health care

[08:15] Need for standard work

[09:58] Staff roles in the high reliability organization

[13:04] The problem is not with the front-line staff


Links | Resources:

Evidence Brief: Implementation of High Reliability Organization Principles (NIH) Click here

HRO Development Services – Achieving a high reliability organization (Munch) Click here

The Future of Health Care (Vizient page) Click here

High Reliability (AHRQ) Click here


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