Thursday Apr 25, 2024

How research marketing can impact your organization, Part 1

The truth is: patients enrolled in clinical trials fare better than patients who are not. Participating in research can be a boon to a practice or organization and its patients. Yet, enrollment in clinical trials is still sparse across the country and part of the reason is organizations don’t realize the value research can bring. On the next three episodes of this award-winning podcast, two experts in research lay out the benefits in participating in clinical trials.

Tomas Villanueva, DO, MBA, FACPE, SFHM
Senior Principal, Performance Improvement Consulting


Dylan Steen, MD, MS
Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder                         
High Enroll
Cardiologist, UC Health
Adjunct Associate Professor, UC College of Medicine


Daniel Flora, MD, PharmD
Medical Director, Oncology Research
St. Elizabeth Healthcare


Show Notes:

[02:16] Research marketing

[03:20] Background: how High Enroll got started

[04:05] Number one problem in research

[05:20] Problem is still unsolved

[07:07] Need for cancer research at community level

[08:18] Look at research as a valuable product for the organization/practice

[09:03] Moving medicine forward: the value of clinical trials to the patient

[09:52] How to boost research participants for an organization


Links | Resources:

To contact Modern Practice:

Dr. Steen’s email:

Dr. Flora’s email:

High Enroll website:

(513) 993-0330


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