Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
University of Nebraska's COVID-19 experience
Leading experts from the University of Nebraska describe their approach to COVID-19
As the COVID-19 pandemic has begun to spread to the furthest reaches of the globe, the University of Nebraska has been at the forefront of efforts to confront and contain the coronavirus. This episode of Modern Practice features the COVID team from the University of Nebraska, who will discuss how they have approached challenges around viral diagnosis and treatment, use of medications and innovative approaches they have taken with personal protective equipment (PPE).
Guest speakers:
Associate Professor
Division of Infectious Diseases
Medical Director
Nebraska Biocontainment Unit
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Mark E. Rupp, MD
Medical Director
Infection Control and Epidemiology
Nebraska Medicine
Frank Venuto, MAS, SHRM-SCP
Chief Human Capital Officer
Nebraska Medicine
Kelly Caverzagie, MD
Associate Professor
Internal Medicine
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Terry Micheels, RN, CIC
Infection Control and Epidemiology
Nebraska Medicine
Senior Director
Show Notes:
[01:39] Wide spectrum of disease
[02:51] Diagnosis and supportive care
[03:57] Investigational therapeutic agents
[05:08] Clinical and operational challenges
[06:50] Interim COVID-19 prevention and control recommendations
[08:55] Use and re-use of PPE
[13:38] Assuring a strong workforce: setting operational principles and goals
[17:36] Just-in-time training (JITT)
For additional information on COVID-19 and how Vizient is supporting our members, visit