Thursday Jun 06, 2024

Rethinking medical group strategy, Part 2

All the drastic changes occurring in healthcare, particularly in the way it is delivered, necessitate corresponding changes in how we structure medical groups. This episode of our award-winning podcast continues the discussion on the need for a new strategy for medical groups, and an expert returns to consider what that strategy might be.


Tomas Villanueva, DO, MBA, FACPE, SFHM
Senior Principal, Performance Improvement Consulting


Michael Strilesky
Senior Principal
Care Delivery Transformation
Strategy Consulting


Show Notes:

[01:11] Academic medical centers and the need for innovation

[02:46] Meeting the physician shortage challenge

[04:51] Resistance to a new care model

[06:23] Reimbursement, technology and consumer desires will drive the new model

[07:06] The physician compensation factor in the new model


Links | Resources:

To contact Modern Practice:

Michael Strilesky’s email:

“Grow hospital market share by integrating ambulatory care across acute service lines” (Vizient publication): Click Here


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